Public Transportation 65% open

São Paulo

What data is expected?

Information on public transport schedule, itineraries, stations/stops and bike lanes, for the entire city. Itineraries, stops/stations and schedule should be presented for every transportation mode (bus, subway, tramway, etc) and for every line and stop/station.

  • Stop/stations for every transportation mode
  • Line schedule for every stop/station
  • Itineraries for every line of every public transportation mode
  • Bike Lanes mapping for the entire city
  • Data should show connections between different types of transport

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available in bulk No Each information is provided separately, not only between transportation modes but also the type of information (itineraries separated from schedules separated from stations, etc).
In an open format DBF, SHP, SHX Data is also provided in .PRJ, .DXF and .KMZ format, which are not on the list. Schedule information is not downloadable, but you can access it through an web application.
Available free of charge Yes
Up-to-date No By clicking in “metadata” at the GeoSampa portal, the downloaded .xls file contains information on update frequency. Even though bus lines and bus stops are updated daily (according to the sheet), bike lanes and bus corridors are updated every 6 months, bus terminals, train lines, train stations, subway lines and subway stations are updated yearly. Some information on railways is updated only “on demand”.
Available free online Yes
Openly licenced Yes
findable 3 I had previous knowledge of the GeoSampa portal, so it was the first place I looked for the information. I found almost everything there, but I found the portal a little bit hard to get the information needed. I couldn’t visualize everything before downloading, so I was not a hundred percent sure that the information was right.
findable_steps 1) I went straight to the GeoSampa portal. 2) I checked if every information needed was there. 3) I then downloaded every dataset to check again. 4) I complemented what I didn’t find there with information from other sources such as the São Paulo Open Data Portal and the specific websites from each transportation mode.
licence_url The link for GeoSampa website advise that: The GeoSampa portal gathers detailed and georeferenced public information about the municipality, offering data availability in open format. The platform allows any citizen to access the maps and territorial information of the main information systems of the São Paulo City Hall. Data on bike lanes was also provided by an alternative link which is under a Creative Commons CCZero License (as shown in the footer). Schedule information had no specific license.
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 There are many formats in which data are available, but you should have some knowledge on geographic datasets in order to work with this (including knowledge in geographic softwares). I would also add the fact that data is scattered between many different sources, which makes it harder to work on data.
collector_name Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano The GeoSampa portal is hosted within the website of the Municipal Department of Urban Development of the Municipality of São Paulo. The Secretariat is the city's governing body responsible for urban planning.
characteristics Stop/stations for every transportation mode, Itineraries for every line of every public transportation mode, Bike Lanes mapping for the entire city In the GeoSampa Portal, it is possible to add different layers in the transport domain through a menu of options to the right of the site where you can choose the layer with the information you want. When the download button is selected, you can choose the layer to download. The following layers were used: Corredores de ônibus (Bus Rapid Transit Itineraries); CPTM Estação (Train stations); CPTM Linha (Train itineraries); Ferrovia (Train itineraries); Metrô Estação (Subway stations); Metrô Linha (Subway itineraries); Terminais de ônibus (Bus stations); Rede Cicloviária (Bike Lanes Map); Ônibus Linha (Bus itineraries); Ônibus Ponto (Bus stops). Schedule information was found only for buses and trains.
location - Main Portal, - Bike Lanes Map Alternative Link, - Train Schedule (CPTM - Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos), - Bus Schedule, - SP Transport API with lines, corridor stops and real-time location. This is a geolocation tool that the city hall makes it available online and a also can download the data from it. GeoSampa gathers detailed and georeferenced information about the municipality, offering data available in an open format. The platform allows any citizen to access the maps and territorial information of the main information systems of the São Paulo City Hall. To select transport information, you have to add the desired layers, that doesn’t change the overall link. Information was found for Bus Rapid Transit itineraries (corridors), Train and Subway stations and itineraries, Bus terminals (stations), stops and lines and also bike lanes. For the last one, an alternative link is also provided. Schedule information was found separately for some transportation modes, as signaled in the other links.

Just added the API for the transportation service as an alternative link.

Meta data

Data location - Main Portal - Bike Lanes Map Alternative Link - Train Schedule (CPTM - Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos) - Bus Schedule - SP Transport API with lines, corridor stops and real-time location.
Data licence
Data format   DBF, SHP, SHX
Reviewer   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Thu Feb 02 2017 17:11:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)