Government Spending 85% open

São Paulo

What data is expected?

Records of actual (past) city government spending at a detailed transactional level. A database of contracts awarded or similar will not be considered sufficient. This data category refers to detailed ongoing data on actual expenditure.

  • Individual record of transactions
  • Government office which had the transaction
  • Date of transaction
  • Name of vendor
  • Amount of the transaction

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available in bulk Yes You can get the whole dataset required through the API. There are many types of possible extractions, but the "/ConsultarEmpenho" could provide all the information required.
In an open format JSON Data can be retrieved through the API system in JSON format. Some other formats can be retrieved through the Transparency portal such as XLS, ODS and XML.
Available free of charge Yes
Up-to-date Yes Data was updated until one day before the consultation.
Available free online No You need to register and get a token to access all the data available through the API.
Openly licenced Yes
findable 2 It was not easy to retrieve budget information through the API webpage. A person who worked inside the administration informed me about the existence of this API. I only knew the Transparency portal.
findable_steps Go to the São Paulo API webpage; Choose "SOF" (finance and budget secretariat); follow the steps provided in the documentation.
licence_url The terms of use are provided in the documentation, downloadable in pdf.
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 Not only the process of getting the data is not very easy (at least you have a documentation to guide you through the steps required), but making data usable is hard once everything is codified. The full list of codes is not provided in the API portal, so you have to get it elsewhere.
collector_name São Paulo city hall
online_otherwise Yes
characteristics Individual record of transactions, Government office which had the transaction, Date of transaction, Name of vendor, Amount of the transaction All the data required can be retrieved through the /ConsultaEmpenhos category in the API console. There you can get all the information required only by choosing year and month as parameters.
location - Budget API website, - Transparency Portal The assessment occurred based on the API website, because it was the place where all the information could be found in the most comprehensive availability. The second link is the transparency portal, which also provides information, but had some restrictions (individual record of transactions and name of vendor could not be found).

This dataset was changed because the São Paulo API portal provided a more comprehensive dataset (the other one was incomplete).

Meta data

Data location - Budget API website - Transparency Portal
Data licence
Data format   JSON
Reviewer   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Submitters   Andressa Fioravanti
Last modified   Fri Feb 03 2017 16:56:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)