Land Ownership 100% open

São Paulo

What data is expected?

Data should include maps of lands with parcel layer that displays boundaries in addition to a land registry with information on registered parcels of land. The following characteristics must be included in cadastral and registry information submitted

  • Parcel boundaries
  • Parcel ID
  • Property value
  • Tenure Type

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available in bulk Yes The dataset is downloadable at once through the open data portal, but not through geosampa.
In an open format CSV Data is also available in .ODS format.
Available free of charge Yes
Up-to-date Yes Data from 2016 was updated in October 2016, as written in the footer.
Available free online Yes
Openly licenced Yes
findable 1 Data was not found in the first place. Only after comments from São Paulo city hall the data was found in geosampa portal. The .csv database could only be provided by searching for "IPTU", which is the brazilian municipal property tax.
findable_steps The links were provided by the São Paulo City Hall and then analyzed by FGV/DAPP.
licence_url On the left part of the page you can see that a Creative Commons Attribution License is provided.
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 Data is easy to use in general, but geolocation is provided separately through the geosampa portal.
collector_name Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo The GeoSampa portal is hosted within the website of the Municipal Department of Urban Development of the Municipality of São Paulo. The Secretariat is the city's governing body responsible for urban planning.
characteristics Parcel boundaries, Parcel ID, Property value, Tenure Type The ID provided is actually an ID for the taxpayer associated to that property. But since each property as its own taxpayer ID, this was considered as Parcel ID. Parcel boundaries are provided in geosampa portal, also with all location data (address and zipcodes). Property value can be obtained by multiplying the value per squared meter and the property area. The tenure type can be obtained through "type of use" and "type of construction pattern", the first one being more specific then the second one. For example: you can have "comercial" as construction pattern and "store" as type of use.
location - The city hall provides all the data from geosampa through its Open Data portal, - Geolocation tool that the city hall makes available online. Searches for "IPTU" can retrieve land ownership data per parcel of land. The two sources contain the same data, but the first one permits bulk download in csv and the second one permits geolocation, though not available in bulk.
This is a new submission after comments from the São Paulo City Hall, pointing to a website that actually contained the required information. Thanks to Paulo Uebel, Bruno Shibata and Thomaz Anderson da Silva for the contributions.

This is a new submission after comments from the São Paulo City Hall, pointing to a website that actually contained the required information for 2016. Thanks to Paulo Uebel, Bruno Shibata and Thomaz Anderson da Silva for the contributions.

Meta data

Data location - The city hall provides all the data from geosampa through its Open Data portal - Geolocation tool that the city hall makes available online. Searches for "IPTU" can retrieve land ownership data per parcel of land.
Data licence
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Fri May 26 2017 20:10:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)