Public Schools 100% open

São Paulo

What data is expected?

School-level data on enrollment and localization for the entire city, including all public schools (Kindergarten, Elementary and High School).

  • Enrollment
  • Coordinates (Address and Latitude/Longitude)
  • Data available per public school
  • Data available for Kindergarten, Elementary and High School

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available in bulk Yes Download in bulk is available even though INEP data doesn't provide Coordinates to download.
In an open format CSV
Available free of charge Yes
Up-to-date Yes although its 2017 and the last data available is from 2015,based on previous knowledge i’m aware they launch the data referring to the last year (in this case, 2016) every march, so, i’ll tick yes here.
Available free online Yes
Openly licenced Yes
findable 4 I'm acquainted with this kind of data, since I’ve been working with them for a long time, so it was really easy to me. But if you google “educação dados inep” you’ll get to the first page easily.
findable_steps To get enrollment data, public school data and type of school (kindergarten, elementary and high school) I can download the school census for each year and filter the options to get only São Paulo city data.
licence_url I didn't find something as objective as a "terms and conditions" or a real license, but the dataset is made available by an autarchy linked to the education ministry of the federal government, so it is considered licensed by the federal Decree 8.777/2016, Chapter II.
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 There is no API but you can download the whole dataset at once in processable format. it's clean and usable. the hardest part is to geolocate schools since the information is not provided and you would have to merge with other sources of data.
collector_name INEP - Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira The national research institute on education Anísio Teixeira is a federal autarchy linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC). Its objective is to promote studies, surveys and periodic evaluations on the Brazilian educational system
characteristics Enrollment, Data available per public school, Data available for Kindergarten, Elementary and High School on the school census i don't get lat/long or the school address. all other data are available. but i can get the school addresses in a collaborative map here: For municipal schools, the information on coordinates can be found here:
location - Inep has a download page with all kinds of data, - São Paulo Education Secretary also has a data webpage, - São Paulo Education Secretary also has a collaboration map on school location, but the data is not downloadable., - The São Paulo open data portal disposes information on municipal schools only. Even though information is provided in open format, enrollment is not provided, only capacity. I used the first link to evaluate school data situation, because it was the most comprehensive.
This submission was revised in order to get a closer view on INEP data and complement it with other possible sources.

Meta data

Data location - Inep has a download page with all kinds of data - São Paulo Education Secretary also has a data webpage - São Paulo Education Secretary also has a collaboration map on school location, but the data is not downloadable. - The São Paulo open data portal disposes information on municipal schools only. Even though information is provided in open format, enrollment is not provided, only capacity.
Data licence
Data format   CSV
Reviewer   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Tue Apr 18 2017 17:59:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)