Draft Legislation 100% open

São Paulo

What data is expected?

Data about the bills discussed within the city council as well as votings on bills (not to mix with passed law). Data on bills must be available for the current legislation period.

  • Content of bill
  • Author of bill
  • Votes on bill per member of the city council
  • Transcripts of debates on bill
  • Status of bill

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available in bulk Yes There is an API available if you want to get all the dataset.
In an open format HTML, JSON
Available free of charge Yes
Up-to-date Yes
Available free online Yes
Openly licenced Yes I couldn’t find a specific license for the entire website, although there is an open data section where you can access the information available at the website.
findable 4 I consider it easy because a search in google returns the specific website where data is primarily. Also because the website is well organized, so it is easy to find the desired information on it.
findable_steps You type "propostas lei municipais São Paulo" - portuguese for "municipal draft laws São Paulo" and the first option is the city council website. Once there you click in "Atividade Legislativa", portuguese for "Legislative Activity" in the homepage's menu.
licence_url https://www.camara.sp.gov.br/transparencia/dados-abertos
Collected by government Yes
usability 2 You do not get all this information consolidated in a dataset ready for analyse it. If you want to get this information about a bill, for example, you would first have to search for the bill (where you would get content, author, status and votes) and then looki for the transcripts of debates that occurred in the plenary session of the day when the bill was voted. You could use the API as well, but for that you would need some basic knowledge in programming to deal with it.
collector_name São Paulo City council (Câmara dos Vereadores)
characteristics Content of bill, Author of bill, Votes on bill per member of the city council, Transcripts of debates on bill, Status of bill Once in the council website, you go in “Legislative Activity” where you can find all this information in different ways. In “sessão plenária”portuguese for plenary session, you can search for the proposed bills (content, author and status), votes (by day or by bill) and also transcripts of debates by day (not by bill).
location https://www.camara.sp.gov.br/atividade-legislativa/spleg - São Paulo City Council

The license for open data is pretty ok for this case. Everything else reviewed and it's ok.

Meta data

Data location   https://www.camara.sp.gov.br/atividade-legislativa/spleg - São Paulo City Council
Data licence   https://www.camara.sp.gov.br/transparencia/dados-abertos
Data format   HTML, JSON
Reviewer   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Submitters   Andressa Fioravanti
Last modified   Fri Feb 03 2017 17:17:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)