Company Register 60% open

Rio de Janeiro

What data is expected?

List of registered (limited liability) companies in the city. The submissions in this data category do not need to include detailed financial data such as balance sheet, etc.

  • Name of company
  • Company address
  • Unique identifier of the company
  • Register available for entire city

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available in bulk No I can only get the data from company to company once I've got the unique identifier number (CNPJ). and its not downloadable. The second link offers a downloadable list of IDs, but again, not comprehensive.
In an open format HTML Data is not downloadable in the first link, you can only access one-by-one information in a web platform, that’s why .HTML is selected. The second one permits download in .txt file, but it returns only IDs from service companies using the NFS-e system.
Available free of charge No Data is free of charge, but i can only access it one by one in the first link. I have a list in the second link, but as I said before, it is not comprehensive. There is a private platform called SERASA, that sells a company’s list but this is a paid service. So it exists, it’s just not public available.
Up-to-date Yes Data on company register is updated every time there is a change in the company status. The document generated states its date of emission as the current date, to ensure validity.
Available free online Yes
Openly licenced Yes
findable 2 Not only it was not easy to find the two platforms but also, you need to have prior information on the company ID to get information in the first one. There is no official list beyond the one offered at the second link (which is not comprehensive enough), so I have to look up on the internet for the company's name individually.
findable_steps I googled “companies register Rio de Janeiro”. After some research into those links, I found the SMF/RJ platform and the list from the NFS-e companies. I had to get an example of company ID in order to generate the document in the first link to see what information I would get.
licence_url There is no clear license in the link I provided. The only thing I found is that all content published in the Rio de Janeiro City Hall page is under a Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0, as stated in the link I put here.
Collected by government Yes
usability 1 It is very hard to do anything with this information. I have to consult one by one, no download is available and the only option I have to get a full dataset doesn’t contain information for all companies in the city.
collector_name Rio de Janeiro Municipal Secretariat of Finance (Secretaria Municipal de Fazenda do Rio de Janeiro - SMF/RJ) The city government secretariat of finance provides the same information that the Receita Federal (SRF), the national equivalent for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), disposes about companies, but only those registered locally.
characteristics Name of company, Company address, Register available for entire city I need to have the prior information on the ID to get the rest of the information, so I understand that this information is not provided. No information is provided in a list, in the case of the first link, which is comprehensive. Even though the other link contains all the information required, it is not available for entire city, since it is a subset of companies.
location - This is the website from the SMF/RJ to get individual information for registered companies in the city of Rio de Janeiro. You need to fill in an ID to find the rest of information of each company., - For a subset of service sector companies that use the invoice electronic system (NFS-e) created by the Rio de Janeiro City Hall, there is a complete list of companies with the name of the company, its ID and the address. To look up the individual information at the webpage of the Secretariat of Finance, I need the CNPJ (unique identifier) number of the company. This website doesn’t provide a list, just individual consultations. The other link generates a list, but not all companies are available, only service sector companies using the NFS-e system.
In Brazil, state institutions called “Junta Comercial” (roughly translated as board of trading) should have the information on all companies with a state inscription. For Rio de Janeiro, the information is actually there, since there is a possibility to subscribe into the website and ask for individual certificates of each company registered in the state. This process requires subscription and payment, though. Here’s the website of the Rio de Janeiro Board of Trading:

Reviewed. Everything ok.

Meta data

Data location - This is the website from the SMF/RJ to get individual information for registered companies in the city of Rio de Janeiro. You need to fill in an ID to find the rest of information of each company. - For a subset of service sector companies that use the invoice electronic system (NFS-e) created by the Rio de Janeiro City Hall, there is a complete list of companies with the name of the company, its ID and the address.
Data licence
Data format   HTML
Reviewer   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Submitters   Wagner Faria de Oliveira
Last modified   Thu Feb 02 2017 16:11:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)